Aloe Vera plant is a medicinal plant used for treating many diseases, can be also used as soap preparation, people also make juice from this and consume in low quantity for digestion problems. This plant is one of the plants that have many uses with the leaves, gel from it.

Aloe vera plant is best when harvested from mature plants when plant attains rosy tinge the leave is ripe. The best way to way to harvest the Aloe vera plant is to start cutting leaves from the bottom, with a sharp cleaned pruner, cut close to the main stem of the plant which is mostly big, have a good amount of gel, matured one.
Read Completely to know about how and when to harvest curry leaves plant.
When to Harvest Aloe Vera Plant?
Aloe Vera plant is the most commonly grown plant in most homes because it has many medicinal properties, can be used for soap manufacture. It is one of the most low-maintenance plants, which you need to water also less frequently.
Aloe Vera plant is best harvested when it is picked mature plants when tips of the plant attain rosy tinge the leave is ripe, This plant growth is slow so be cautious not to harvest too many leaves because this may affect the growth of the plant. Avoid removing topper tip leaves.
choose thick big leaves, clean sharp knife and close to stem as possible, the knife is the best way to harvest leaves because I use the same to harvest my aloe vera plants.
How To Harvest Aloe Vera Plant Without Killing It?
Aloe vera plants are easy to grow low maintenance plants, you just need to plant and forget it, very low maintenance, very less frequent watering is required for this plant (I usually water 2-3 weeks once thoroughly).
The best way to way to harvest the Aloe vera plant is to start cutting leaves from the bottom, with sharp cleaned pruner, cut close to the main stem of the plant which is mostly big, have a good amount of gel, matured one and leave the small one to thrive and to get bigger.
Make clean, prune / cut full leave at one go, don’t cut in half leaves
I usually harvest the aloe vera plant leaves which are usually at the bottom of the plant, because those are matured ones to be harvested to get a good amount of gel, I will also remove the leaves that are half broken or covered by the yellow border to them.
Once you remove the aloe vera leaves from the plant then leave it inside the small bowl which has water in its vertical fashion to allow aloin to drop out from leaves (which usually contains poison).
Leave leaves at least 10-15 mins in a bowl to remove the aloin (yellowish sap) completely from leaves. (otherwise, this may cause stomach upset to some people if you are using it for drinking).
After that Wipe completely and use a clean sharp knife to remove the leaves cover and take out aloe gel.
Tips to Harvest Aloe Vera Plant:
1. Use Sharp blade to cut the aloe vera leaves.
To harvest the aloe vera plant use a sharpened knife, it will make your life easy and for plants also it will be clean cut. you can also use a pruner to cut the leaves but I prefer a knife to a pruner.
2. Don’t Harvest small leaves.
Don’t harvest smaller leaves it will affect plant growth. Eventually, it may happen also plant may die because the plant can not survive with very fewer leaves.
3. Don’t harvest too frequently let the plant also heal properly.
Give some gap between harvest to harvest so that plant will heal up and thrive for the next harvest.
4. Remove dried, dead, discoloured leaves without damaging the good ones.
While harvesting remove dried, dead, discolored (maybe yellow or brown leaves) without damaging the good leaves.
5. Start Removing from outer matured leaves.
To start harvesting remove the outer matured leaves from the plant because normally those are thicker, pulpier, and greener and perfect leaves to be harvested.
How And When To Harvest Aloe vera Plant?
Aloe vera plant is best when harvested from mature plants when plant attains rosy tinge the leave is ripe. The best way to way to harvest the Aloe vera plant is to start cutting leaves from the bottom, with a sharp cleaned pruner, cut close to the main stem of the plant which is mostly big, have a good amount of gel, matured one.
How To Prune Aloe Vera Plant?
The best way to way to prune the Aloe vera plant is from the bottom, with sharp cleaned pruner, cut close to the main stem of the plant which is mostly big, have a good amount of gel, matured one and leave the small one to thrive and to get bigger.
How To Cut Aloe Vera Without Killing It?
The best way to way to cut the Aloe vera plant from the bottom, with sharp cleaned pruner, cut close to the main stem of the plant which is mostly big, have a good amount of gel, matured one and leave the small one to thrive and to get bigger.
How To Harvest Aloe Vera Without Killing It?
The best way to way to harvest the Aloe vera plant is to start cutting leaves from the bottom, with sharp cleaned pruner, cut close to the main stem of the plant which is mostly big, have a good amount of gel, matured one and leave the small one to thrive and to get bigger.
How To Cut Aloe Vera Leaf From Plant Without Killing It?
The best way to way to cut the Aloe vera plant from the bottom, with sharp cleaned pruner, cut close to the main stem of the plant which is mostly big, have a good amount of gel, matured one and leave the small one to thrive and to get bigger.
How To Trim An Aloe Vera Plant?
The best way to way to trim the Aloe vera plant is to start cutting leaves from the bottom, with sharp cleaned pruner, cut close to the main stem of the plant which is mostly big, have a good amount of gel, matured one and leave the small one to thrive and to get bigger.
Final Thoughts:
These are the tips I follow when I am harvesting my aloe vera plants. Let me know in the comments did you make use of these tips.