How To Grow Tulsi Plant Bushy?
Tulsi plant (Holy Basil) is one of the common plants which is available in all-most all homes in India. People worship this plant. This plant has known as one of the most medicinal plants known for health benefits.

To grow tulsi plant bushy, there is one best working solution, pinching the top new leaves when the plant is about six inches tall to make more branches and more leaves and stronger plant, other helpful things are giving good soil, fertilizer, enough sunlight, sufficient watering to make the plant bushier and stronger.
I have grown the tulsi plant which has more branches, leaves and propagated through its seeds for the next year. Made green tea with tulsi plant leaves, it was amazing, Maybe this could be one of the reasons for you to grow tulsi plant.
If you are like me who likes to harvest the own seeds, at the end of the season, plant flowers and seeds later you will be having more seeds to grow for next season, you no need to buy tulsi seeds every growing season.
Once it starts flowering, normally tulsi plant leaves stop producing leaves and it will concentrate on seeds.
I have listed down all the tips and tricks i followed to make my plant-strong, bushier and healthier.
1. Pinching new small leaves
For any plant to make grow side-wise, to encourage more branching which results in more leaves, stronger base stem, to make the tulsi plant live longer, pinching is necessary.
At the earlier stage of the plant, about six inches tall, when it had around four sets of small fresh leaves coming on top, pinch above only two sets of leaves so that it will divide the branch into half and you will get new stems and leaves. Again do the same procedure for the new two stems.
By doing this plant will grow stronger, will get more leaves, and will grow broader instead of taller.
2. Good soil and Fertilizer
This plant doesn’t have any requirement for the type of soil it can be grown in any soil, except the one in highly saline, alkaline, or waterlogged conditions.
I always use miracle grow potting mix for growing my curry leaves plants. Here is the link you can buy from amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest but we suggest the good one].
It likes to grow in sandy loam soil with good organic matter is considered ideal. It can be grown in tropical and subtropical climates. Long days and more high temperatures are ideal conditions that grow well for the Tulsi plant.
15t/ha of FYM which is to be applied as basal dose at the time of land preparation, soil preparation for tulsi plant, as inorganic fertilizer you can use NPK, 120:60:60 kg/ha fertilizer.
Epsom salt and cow dung manure is the best fertilizer for tulsi plants, give them with good level to enhance the growth of plants. For better germination soak the seeds, maintain a good moisture level in soil for faster germination of the tulsi plant.(Here is the link to buy epsom salt from amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest gadget but we suggest the good one].)/ baked salt into yogurt or 1 gallon of water twice a month (every 15 days) to improve the plant growth. If you overdose you will burn the plant. (My grandmother taught this.)
It takes around 7-15 days to germinate seeds of the tulsi plant.
You can use a spray bottle to mist the soil while germination.
3. Distance between plants, container size
Interspaces between plants should be maintained so that they should have enough space to grow well, otherwise, it lacks in growth, results in less bushy, weak tulsi plant.
Weeding should be done after one month if you are growing inland so that it will be good, afterward second weeding needs to be done after 30 days. later it won’t be required because tulsi plant leaves will be covered most of the soil, there fore smoother weeds will be present.
It is advised to weed after every harvest for better plant growth and removing of unwanted weeds.
Container size should be large enough to accomodate plant well, otherwise replanting should be done with bigger pot size with new potting mix.
4. Enough exposure to Sunlight
Long days and high temperature is favarouable to grow the tulsi plant. It is wide adaptablity to grow in subtropical and tropical climates.
I always use miracle grow potting mix for growing my curry leaves plants. Here is the link you can buy from amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest but we suggest the good one].
Tulsi plant requires atleast six to eight hours of sunlight during the day and temperature should be around 21 degree centigrade.
Place should be choosen wisely where we get most of the sunlight, for better growth.
5. Sufficient Watering
Thoroughly watering should be made atleast twice a week for themselves for a month to them well established at the earlier stage.
Later stage we can water plant once a week depending on the soil moisture level, rain fall.
You can also use mulching to save water from evaporation.
- To grow tulsi plants faster, place them in a warm environment, grow them in direct sunlight.
- Soil-rich nutrients help the plant to grow faster and stronger.
- Cowdung manure and Epsom salt are the best fertilizer for the Tulsi plant.
- Don’t water daily, water two times a week a starting month, later reduced to once a week with checking the moisture level of the soil.
- For better germination soak the seeds, maintain a good moisture level in soil for faster germination of the tulsi plant.
- It takes around 7-15 days to germinate seeds of the tulsi plant.
- You can use a spray bottle to mist the soil while germination.
- You can also freeze the seeds to store them for a longer time.
Q. Which fertilizer is best for Tulsi plant?
A. Epsom salt and cow dung manure is the best fertilizer for tulsi plants, give them with good level to enhance the growth of plants. For better germination soak the seeds, maintain a good moisture level in soil for faster germination of the tulsi plant.
Q. When should Tulsi be pruned?
A. At the earlier stage of the plant, about six inches tall, when it had around four sets of small fresh leaves coming on top, pinch above only two sets of leaves so that it will divide the branch into half and you will get new stems and leaves. Again do the same procedure for the new two stems.
Q. Is Epsom salt good for Tulsi plant?
A. Epsom salt and cow dung manure is the best fertilizer for tulsi plants, give them with good level to enhance the growth of plants. For better germination soak the seeds, maintain a good moisture level in soil for faster germination of the tulsi plant.
Q. How often should I water my Tulsi plant?
A. Thoroughly watering should be made at least twice a week for themselves for a month to them well established at the earlier stage. In the later stage, we can water the plant once a week depending on the soil moisture level, rainfall.
Q. How do you fertilize Tulsi plant?
A. Epsom salt and cow dung manure is the best fertilizer for tulsi plants, give them with good level to enhance the growth of plants. For better germination soak the seeds, maintain a good moisture level in soil for faster germination of the tulsi plant.
Q. Is cow manure good for Tulsi plant?
A. Epsom salt and cow dung manure is the best fertilizer for tulsi plants, give them with good level to enhance the growth of plants. For better germination soak the seeds, maintain a good moisture level in soil for faster germination of the tulsi plant.
Final Thoughts:
With all the above steps, I am able to grow tulsi plant bushy, stronger, Let me know in comments did you succeed.
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