Curry leaf plants are mainly known for their aroma and are native to Asia. This plant is also called sweet neem, though Murraya koenigii is a different family of neem. Curry leaves are mainly used in India, especially for curries.
You need to prune the infected leaves immediately and read this post completely to get rid of black spots on the curry leaves plant.

To get rid of black spots on curry leaves, water the plant less frequently and lower the quantity (Overwatering, poor air circulation is the problem here), remove the dead twigs, and infected leaves, and keep the plant healthy by not overusing fertilizer. If nothing works you can still replace the plant.
we can use the following steps or tips which I always follow and work for me to get rid of black spots on the curry leaves plant.
1. Overwatering
Over-watered (excessive moisturizing) curry leaves mostly suffer from root rot, due to poor air circulation fungal infections, and bacterial infections can occur which cause black spots on leaves. Root rot and black spots on leaves will occur due to more frequent watering.
Not leaving the water to drain from the soil or there is no proper drainage hole in the pot causes root rot, resulting in fungal, and bacterial infections and black spots on leaves. Which will make plants eventually die.
How do you fix an over-watered curry leaf plant?
1. Prepare plant
Remove the plant from the pot and clean-cut the roots which are brown and rotted.
Leave the plant for some time to heal up the roots which you have trimmed.
2. Repot with proper soil
If you are repotting the plant in the same container, you need to sanitize the pot before you put the new soil.
If you are planning to put old soil, before that you need to boil the soil with hot water, this makes any bacteria that affect plants die.
Pot the plant with good potted mix, which can be well drained. I always use Miracle Grow potting mix for growing my plants. Here is the link you can buy from amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from Amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest but we suggest the good one].
3. Limit the water supply to the plant until the roots heal
Once you plant, you should wait for at least 1 week to water; roots need to be healed and adjust to the pot’s new atmosphere.
4. Give enough sunlight and maintain temperature
Move your new pot to the inside and give a good sunlight, and don’t let the plant sit in cold temperatures.
If you cannot give enough sunlight to plant inside, these full spectrum LED light lamps are available for rescue. Click here for the link in amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from Amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest gadget but we suggest the good one]. These lamps can be used for other plants, and have many functionalities like a timer and you can change light sensitivity.
2. Removing Dead twigs or infected leaves
Raking up and disposing of infected leaves as they age and drop.
pruning out dead twigs helps to control the disease by removing spores that can infect back again to new leaves.
If you don’t have a pruner consider buying one, because this helps for prune for all kinds of plants. Here is the link to buy one from amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from Amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest tool but we suggest the good one].
This will not help to solve the real infection, instead, it helps to stop spreading to further leaves.
3. Keep Foliage Dry (improve air Circulation)
Avoid over-watering the curry leaves plant.
Try to use soaker hoses or water early in the day so the foliage can dry before night.
Watering can also spread the disease by splashing.
To Overcome this prune plants and space plants to allow for good air circulation that promotes rapid drying of foliage.
Enhance air circulation by placing the plants at more distance (avoiding overcrowding) and in well-ventilated areas. This reduces fungal growth and helps to provide a good healthy environment for the curry leaf plant.
4. Keeping plants healthy
Since most plants can tolerate some defoliation, keep them in good health so they can rebound quickly. Avoid over-fertilization as it promotes a flush of young leaves that are more susceptible to attack by insects and disease.
For most of the caring needs in winter, Curry leaf plants lose their leaves mainly due to their winter dormacy (the plant is getting ready for winter), less sunlight exposure, or low temperature. The other reasons will be improper soil, over or underwater for plants to lose curry leaves.
Following problems we face
1. Winter Dormancy
Curry leaves plants will go to a resting state in the winter season which is commonly known as winter Dormancy.
Curry leaf plant doesn’t get full sunlight due to winter; Due to low temperatures (more cooling), the major problem is for leaves.
Leaves may turn to yellow color (chlorosis). This is one of the signs that it is moving to the Winter Dormancy state.
Due to the cold, all leaves may fall from the plant and there may be no leaves left in the plant (the only stem is left in the plant), This is one of the common things regarding the Curry leaf plant in the winter Season. To fix this here you go.
Preparing Curry plant for Winter Dormacy
1. Cut down on watering until the winter season ends
The major thing you need to consider cut down the watering to plant until the winter season ends.
This will help the plant to stay resting.
2. Move your plant Indoor
If you move your plant indoors or increase the temperature by any means you can save the curry leaves in the plant.
The better option is to move the plant indoors and place it near the south-facing window. This will give a warm temperature and enough sunlight to plant.
If you cannot take the plant indoors for any reason. At least try to cover the pot (roots), with some black cover or something this increases temperature by 5 degrees, compared to outside.
3. Increase the temperature
Increase the temperatures of plants, slow down the winter Dormancy period, and save the curry plant’s leaves.
Place the curry leaves plant in sunlight during the day and at night you can take it indoors to protect from cold.
If you forget to take the plant inside, it will die no matter what you take care of after that. So be cautious not to forget.
If there are no leaves in the curry plant and only the stem is left, you need to take care of the plant. Otherwise, the plant may die.
You can increase the temperature of the plant by moving your plant inside and giving it enough sunlight by keeping it near the window.
If you cannot give enough sunlight to plant inside, these full spectrum LED light lamps are available for rescue. Click here for the link in amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from Amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest gadget but we suggest the good one]. These lamps can be used for other plants, and have many functionalities like a timer and you can change light sensitivity.
If that is not possible, you need to cover the plant with a black cover to decrease the plant’s temperature by 5 degrees compared to the outside temperature.
If you are traveling or out of home for some days, request a willing friend to take care of your plant.
4. Pour the warm water instead of cold water
This will help keep up the temperature of the curry leaves plant.
2. Less Exposure to Sunlight
Curry leaves will curl down and bend downside if you give less sunlight to the plant.
Experts say that for the best results, we need to grow curry leaves plant in full sunlight and more than equal to 40F temperature.
If we consider the above climate conditions, the Curry leaf plant will have less winter dormacy.
Being a curry plant Vulnerable to the cold climate we need to take good care of the plant by exposing the plant to sufficient sunlight.
If you cannot give enough sunlight to plant inside, these full spectrum LED light lamps are available for rescue. Click here for the link on amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from Amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest gadget but we suggest the good one]. These lamps can be used for other plants, and have many functionalities like a timer and you can change light sensitivity.
If you are there in freezing climate conditions, you need to consider giving your plant an artificial white light instead of sunlight.
3. Low Temperature
When a plant’s atmosphere temperature drops then plant leaves may shutter, bend down, and lose out all the leaves, those leaves were helping the plant to survive the winter reason.
How to overcome the low-temperature problem in Curry plants.
1. Limit watering to plants
As we discussed earlier, you need to cut down on watering in the winter season. Plants will be resting.
If you don’t cut down on watering Root rot can happen to curry leaf plants and plants may eventually die.
2. Pour Hot water instead of cold
Please pour hot water to increase the temperature of the plant.
3. Move your plants indoor
As we discussed earlier you need to move your plants indoors to give the warm weather to plant or keep the pot in the black cover so that there will be a reduction in plant temperature compared to the outside temperature.
4. Give sufficient sunlight or artificial light
To revive your plant which is suffering from low-temperature problems, you need to give them enough sunlight to survive.
If you cannot give enough sunlight to plant inside, these full spectrum LED light lamps are available for rescue. Click here for the link in amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from Amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest gadget but we suggest the good one]. These lamps can be used for other plants, and have many functionalities like a timer and you can change light sensitivity.
You also should not give a bright light to the plant, this may shock the plant. Needs to increase the light gradually.
4. Over-watered
Over-watered curry leaves mostly suffer from root rot. Root rot will occur due to more frequent watering.
Not leaving the water to drain from the soil or there is no proper drainage hole in the pot causes root rot. Which will make plants eventually die.
How to fix an over-watered curry leaf plant?
1. Prepare plant
Remove the plant from the pot and clean-cut the roots which are brown and rotted.
Leave the plant for some days to heal up the roots which you have trimmed.
2. Repot with proper soil
If you are repotting the plant in the same container, you need to sanitize the pot before you put the new soil.
We need to put good potting mix for a pot that will drain well. ( I always use miracle grow potting mix for growing my plants. Here is the link you can buy from amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from Amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest but we suggest the good one]. )
If you are planning to put old soil, before that you need to boil the soil with hot water, this makes any bacteria that affect plants die.
Pot the plant with good potted mix, which can be well drained.
3. Limit the water supply to the plant until the roots heal
Once you plant, you should wait for at least 1 week to water; roots need to be healed and adjust to the pot’s new atmosphere.
4. Give enough sunlight and maintain temperature
Move your new pot to inside and give good amount of sunlight, and don’t let the plant sit in cold temperature.
We need to put good potting mix for pot that will drain well. ( I always use miracle grow potting mix for growing my plants. Here is the link you can buy from amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest but we suggest the good one]. )
5. Under-watered
Under-watered curry leaf plants look like withered leaves, bent, yellow leaves.
Even if the leaves are yellow you should not prune, pluck them because these leaves.
- Feed Curry leaf plant with a tablespoon of Epsom salt (Here is the link to buy epsom salt from amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from Amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest gadget but we suggest the good one].)/ baked salt into yogurt or 1 gallon of water twice a month (every 15 days) to improve the plant growth. If you overdose you will burn the plant. (My grandmother taught this.)
- Feed buttermilk to plant during warmer months to improve growth ( when there is no mold).
- cut the seed-bearing part to get new shoots and leaves grow healthily.
5. Use of fungicides in curry leaves plant to solve black spots.
In rare cases of severe infection where the size and value of plants make it practical, applications of fungicides may be helpful. Generally, fungicidal control is warranted if:
Repeated defoliation occurs in one year or subsequent years
The plant is under stress
The plant is in decline
The plant is a needled evergreen
The disease is a black spot of the curry leaf plant.
Sprays will not cure the infection but protect leaves from becoming infected.
To be effective fungicidal sprays must be begun at bud break before symptoms are noted and be continued at intervals specified by the label (usually 10 to 14 days) through the period of spring rains
Spraying after infection is present will provide little benefit. Recommendations will vary with the disease and fungicide used.
It is always good practice to have the disease identified before purchasing a control product. See table for a general listing of active ingredients for the control of various leaf-spotting fungi.
Some people say that the black dots are tiny insect eggs. The best way to avoid this is to Water the plant from the top that is like how you wash a vehicle just splash water over the plant. This is the method I use to avoid worms and insects to lay eggs.
6. Using Neem Oil to reduce black spots on curry leaves plant
Neem oil is known as a natural remedy for antifungal and antibacterial properties. Dilute the neem oil with water and spray it on curry leaves to fight infections.
Repeat the same procedure as a preventive measure.
7. Check and Treat Pests
I regularly inspect the curry leaves plant for pests, if you found pests treat with neem oil and fungicide as mentioned earlier in my post. This not only address the pest issue also the black spot on the curry leaves plant.
8. Last but not least you can still replace the plant.
For plants that chronically are plagued by leaf spots, gardeners find it more convenient to replace a plant with a different species or a variety that is more resistant or tolerant of disease.
A nursery can help you in your selection.
Q. How To Grow Curry Leaves In UK?
A. To grow Curry Leaves in the UK, the following steps are followed, Cultivation (preparation of soil), Harvesting seeds (preparation of seeds) or growing plant by stem cut, Caring for a curry leaf plant (fertilization, winter dormacy, pests), Harvesting and storing fresh leaves (cutting and preserving curry leaves).
Q. How To Take Care Of Curry Leaf Plant In USA?
A. To grow Curry Leaves in the USA, the following steps are followed, Cultivation (preparation of soil), Harvesting seeds (preparation of seeds) or growing plant by stem cut, Caring for a curry leaf plant (fertilization, winter dormacy, pests), Harvesting and storing fresh leaves (cutting and preserving curry leaves).
Q. How To Grow Curry Leaves At Home Without Seeds?
A. we can grow curry leaves at home with the stem propagation method for better success. Also needs caring for a curry leaf plant (fertilization, winter dormacy, pests), Harvesting and storing fresh leaves (cutting and preserving curry leaves).
Q. How To Grow Curry Leaves At Home?
A. we can grow curry leaves at home with the stem propagation method, harvesting seeds for better success. Also needs caring for a curry leaf plant (fertilization, winter dormacy, pests), Harvesting and storing fresh leaves (cutting and preserving curry leaves).
Q. How To Grow Curry Leaves From Stem?
A. Select the semi-hardwood branch which has two leaves at least then cut the branch with a sharp knife (clean the knife before use). cleanly remove the lower leaves, if there are more leaves. Use rooting powder and keep it in the soil, we should get roots in 3-4 weeks.
Final thoughts
Let me know in the comments if you can solve the black spots problem in the Curryleaves plant.
excelente actualización
This article is very informative & helpful to me. I have tons of curry plants which I grow outside in summer &inside in winter. The tips you gave are amazing
Thank you!
Great! Thank you!